LinkedIn InBug
Lease Crutcher Lewis asked House of Sorcery to work together on the design development and fabrication of a LinkedIn “InBug” logo sculpture to be featured at LinkedIn’s Bellevue, WA HQ office.
LinkedIn InBug
Used outdoor gear, Wood, Acrylic
75” x 74” x 9”
The free-standing sculpture was fabricated/composed of recycled outdoor technical fabrics in specified brand-aligned Pantone colors.
Additional dimensionality was added to the design by proposing each fabric section be applied to plywood panels of differing thickness.
As the Production Designer (and in-house soft-goods fabricator) at HoS I was tasked with:
Design engineering the construction of the InBug
Preparing CAD files for CNC cutting of Plywood panels and framework components
Drafting fabrication plans for framework, base and panel assembly by production team
Drafting patterns for all fabric elements
Deconstruction of used outdoor equipment and reconstruction and quilting of technical fabrics for wrapping plywood panels.
Directing and assisting assembly by fabrication team