Mechanical Engineering + Art + Apparel Design

LinkedIn InBug

 LinkedIn InBug

Lease Crutcher Lewis asked House of Sorcery to work together on the design development and fabrication of a LinkedIn “InBug” logo sculpture to be featured at LinkedIn’s Bellevue, WA HQ office.

LinkedIn InBug

Used outdoor gear, Wood, Acrylic

75” x 74” x 9”

The free-standing sculpture was fabricated/composed of recycled outdoor technical fabrics in specified brand-aligned Pantone colors.

Additional dimensionality was added to the design by proposing each fabric section be applied to plywood panels of differing thickness.

As the Production Designer (and in-house soft-goods fabricator) at HoS I was tasked with:

  • Design engineering the construction of the InBug

  • Preparing CAD files for CNC cutting of Plywood panels and framework components

  • Drafting fabrication plans for framework, base and panel assembly by production team

  • Drafting patterns for all fabric elements

  • Deconstruction of used outdoor equipment and reconstruction and quilting of technical fabrics for wrapping plywood panels.

  • Directing and assisting assembly by fabrication team